The tasklet_kill_immediate is used only when a given CPU is in the dead state. taskletkillimmediate只在指定的CPU处于dead状态时被采用。
They spray-painted 320,000 dead safflower seeds, and placed them along state forest roads. 他们喷涂了32万株干红花种子,把它们铺在公园道路旁。
Government of Georgia by its own citizens was dead, the state was helpless and the adventurers were swarming in. 佐治亚靠本州的百姓管理自己的局面已不复存在,这个州已陷于瘫痪,于是冒险家便蜂拥而来。
The dead rise in an immortal state. 死人以永生的形式复活。
In many cases they do not realize they are dead at all and live in a state of bewilderment. 在许多情况下他们并没有意识到他们全部死亡并且生活在迷惘中。
He builds the identities of a dead guy from another state? 他从另外一个州建立一个死者的身份?
A part-time police officer has shot dead six people in the American state of Wisconsin before he himself was reported to have been killed by a police sniper. 美国威斯康星州一名兼职警察开枪打死六人,已经被警察狙击手开枪击毙。
A graduate student from China was found dead this morning in his on-campus apartment at South Dakota State University, according to school officials. 一名研究生从中国在他的住读公寓找到死的今晨在南达克达州立大学,根据学校官员。
The government set out to remove the dead hand of the state from economic life. 政府已在着手消除经济领域里的这一痼疾。
In time Muir realized that chief usher was a dead end job, and transferred to the State Department where he could advance. 后来,米尔觉得首席招待员是一个没有出息的差事,于是调到了国务院,他在那儿可以得到提升。
Opossums playing dead actually slip into a semi-comatose state, thus removing any excitement of the kill for a predator. 装死的负鼠实际上是处于一种半昏迷状态,以消除天敌的猎杀的兴奋感。
Brazilian judge renowned for her work against organised crime has been shot dead in Rio de Janeiro State. 一位以打击有组织犯罪而文明的巴西法官在里约热内卢被枪杀。
Dead Bus Dead Bus refers to the de-energized state of the power connections between outputs of paralleled generator sets. 不带电母排不带电母排是指连接并联发电机组输出之间的电力连接处于不带电状态。
In this paper, a concept of reasonable finished dead state of cable-stayed bridges and existing methods of cable tension optimization for cable-stayed bridges are firstly introduced. 本文首先介绍斜拉桥合理成桥状态的概念和现有的斜拉桥索力优化方法。
Thread is dead; state can not be accessed. 线程出现故障;无法访问状态。
Dead oil in a semi-oxidized state seems capable of effecting the direct precipitation of uranium from solute. 半氧化状态的重油似乎可能影响铀从溶液中的直接沉淀析出。
She also says activists have come across dead dolphins and turtles in the gulf coast state of Campeche, where Pemex uses seismic pulses to explore for oil. 同时,一些环境保护主义者还在墨西哥坎佩切湾找到了海豚和海龟的尸体,而这个地方正是Pemex公司利用地震脉冲探测石油的地区。
The step by step arithmetic for the reasonable finished dead state of the concrete cable stayed bridges is proposed on basis of minimum bending energy method, influence matrix method and stress balancing method. 在现有的最小弯曲能量法、影响矩阵法和应力平衡法等方法的基础上,提出了斜拉桥合理成桥状态确定的分步算法。
Based on the new concept of 'environment', the state of the system with zero Ex corresponds to the dead state uniquely. 论证了新的环境概念,指出(火用)值为零的状态唯一地对应于寂态,从而消除了负压稳流物系的所谓‘环境线’。
The basic ideology is: at first, deciding initial dead state using minimum bending energy method; 基本思路是:先用最小弯曲能量法初定成桥状态;
The Dead by Joyce describes the life state that is depressing, paralyzing, tiring, idle and living dead of the middle-and lower-class citizens in Dublin and the ultimate ending. 乔伊斯的《死者》描绘了都柏林中下层市民死气沉沉、麻木疲软、无所作为、行同死尸的生活状态及其最终结局。
Based on information from laser radar sensor, a real-time obstacle avoidance algorithm and the strategy of breaking away from dead state are also designed. 根据激光雷达传感器信息设计了基于栅格的实时避障算法和解锁策略。
How brain-dead state affects the hepatic morphology and function of Ba-Ma mini pigs and its mechanism 脑死亡状态对巴马小型猪肝脏形态与功能的影响
Step-by-step arithmetic for the reasonable finished dead state of the concrete cable-stayed bridges 混凝土斜拉桥合理成桥状态确定的分步算法
So how to use simulation analysis for construction sequences according to the construction program to get the reasonable initial cable forces is the key to gain reasonable inner force and evaluation of the structure in finished dead state. 因而,如何根据既定的施工组织设计,对施工过程进行逼真的仿真分析从而得出施工中拉索初张力,是保证斜拉桥成桥后结构的内力及线型是否满足设计要求的关键。
Secondly, by means of sequential quadratic programming ( SQP) method, a practical optimization method ( sequential quadratic programming method) for reasonable finished dead state of cable-stayed bridges is developed. 然后基于序列二次规划(SQP)算法,提出了一种用于确定斜拉桥成桥合理状态的实用方法-序列二次规划法。
An improved real-code genetic algorithm is designed with different cross, selection and variation operators, aiming at overcoming its inherent shortcomings of premature, dead state convergence and weak mountain climbing during function optimization. 针对实数编码在进行数值优化时固有的过早收敛、停滞现象和弱的爬山能力等缺点,通过设计不同的交叉、变异算子,提出了一种改进的实数编码遗传算法。
The thesis also describes the basic processes of the modern cable-stayed bridge designing and its static analysis and calculation, and briefly represents the methods of cable force adjustment in ideal finished dead state and reasonable construction state. 接着介绍了现代斜拉桥设计静力分析计算的基本流程,并简要阐述了斜拉桥理想施工状态和合理成桥状态索力调整的方法。
The synthesis algorithm by combining analytic method with finite element method to determine the ideal finished dead state of self-anchored cable-stayed suspension bridge is put forward. 提出了以有限元法与解析法相结合确定自锚式吊拉组合桥理想成桥状态的综合算法。
Proved through a lot of classical examples, this method has extremely high accuracy and efficiency, and its convergence rate is faster than the other methods. ( 3) About the determination of ideal finished dead state of self-anchored cable-stayed suspension bridge. 通过大量经典算例验证,证明该方法具有极高的精度和效率,收敛速度较其他方法也要快很多。(3)自锚式吊拉组合桥理想成桥状态确定方面。